Sleep Associations

Sleep associations are cues or behaviours which your baby associates with going to sleep and they subsequently can’t sleep without them. As parents we have a natural desire to make sure our little ones are getting sleep when they are tired. It’s so easy to...

Sleep Environment

In this chapter, we will help you ensure that your newborn’s sleep environment is setup optimally. Topics covered specifically will be: Light Noise Temperature The Cot/Bassinet In a lot of sleep literature, a child’s sleeping environment is often overlooked, but...

Safe Sleeping Guidance

To date there is still a lot we do not know about SIDS (Sudden Death Infant Syndrome). Thankfully there are fewer deaths from SIDS now than 20 years ago, mainly due to research into the condition and the guidelines which have stemmed from the findings of this...

The Science of Sleep

 Topics covered in this chapter: Day/Night Rhythm Wake-Sleep Cycle The Sleep Cycle: Newborn Sleep & 4 Months+ Babies are growing and developing every single day and sleep is a hugely important part of this development. During sleep, our children take growth spurts...

Those First Few Weeks

When you first start telling people you are expecting a baby, the jokes such as ‘enjoy your sleep now’ start rolling in! And whilst there is definitely going to be less sleep in the household for the next few months, you do not need to be sleep deprived from being up...