Preparing Your Infant For Change

Some children are less resistant to change than others and how your child reacts to the sleep training and routine changes will depend on how much you need to invest in preparing them for what’s about to come. Some children respond really quickly to changes in...

Sleep Logs – Current Pattern

We have attached a log for you to record a few days of your current routine and sleep patterns. ​Continue this log as you start the sleep training programme so that you can see the changes as you progress. It is also a great way to spot patterns which may help you...

Sleeps Associations & Interventions

Sleep associations are cues or behaviours which your child associates with going to sleep and they subsequently can’t sleep without them. As parents we have a natural desire to make sure our little ones are getting sleep when they are tired. It’s so easy to...

Sleep Environment

The topics to be covered in this chapter: Light Noise Temperature The Cot   In a lot of sleep training literature, a toddler’s sleep environment is often overlooked, but creating a calm and safe place that your child associates with sleep can help them relax and...

The Science of Sleep

Topics to be covered in this chapter: Day/Night Rhythm Wake-Sleep Cycle The Sleep Cycle Infants are growing and developing every single day and sleep is a hugely important part of this development. During sleep, our children take growth spurts and advance their...