Sleep Regression Ages – Everything You Need to Know

Ah, the joys of parenthood – watching your little one grow, learn, and develop. But, navigating the sleepless nights and naptime battles? That’s a different story. Sleep regressions can be a challenging and confusing time for both parents and babies. But fear not, we’re here to help you understand and manage these tricky periods so that everyone can get the rest they need.

Short Summary

  • Navigate sleep regressions with consistent bedtime routines, self-soothing strategies and schedule adjustments.

  • Recognise signs of sleep regression such as night waking, short naps and fussiness.

  • Seek help for ongoing issues with sleep training or joining parenting communities.

  • The key ages of when sleep regressions happen

Understanding Sleep Regressions

Sleep regressions are temporary periods when a baby or toddler’s sleep patterns change, causing them to wake more often and sleep less. These challenging phases, known as baby sleep regressions, can be confusing and exhausting for both parents and little ones. But why do sleep regressions happen?

They can be triggered by various factors such as neurodevelopment, sleep associations, schedule adjustments, and mastering physical milestones like rolling, crawling, sitting, and walking, which can affect baby sleep.

Sleep regressions generally occur at certain ages, and it is during these times that sleep regressions occur that you’ll find the most challenges with sleep.

The only guaranteed sleep regression is the 4 month sleep regression, but you are pretty sure of seeing the 8 month sleep regression and the 18 month sleep regression. We will go through these, and the other sleep regression ages, further down this article.

Managing sleep regressions can be tough, but with a little knowledge and some handy tips, you can help your baby navigate these sleep disturbances more smoothly. It’s essential to maintain a consistent bedtime routine, teach self-soothing techniques which you can do via our budget-friendly Online Sleep Plan, and adjust schedules as needed to ensure your baby gets enough rest.

What is a sleep regression?

A sleep regression is a temporary decline in a baby or toddler’s sleep quality, often due to developmental milestones or changes affecting their sleep patterns. You may notice that your previously sound-sleeping baby suddenly starts waking up more frequently during the night, has trouble falling asleep, or takes shorter naps, or no naps! These disruptions can last up to a few weeks – usually 1-2 max – and can be quite challenging for parents. However, it’s essential to remember that sleep regressions are a normal part of your child’s development and should be treated as such.

Common causes of sleep regressions

Sleep regressions can be caused by various factors such as neurodevelopment, sleep associations, schedule adjustments, illness, teething, and hitting developmental milestones. Neurodevelopment refers to the process of developing the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This development can impact a baby’s sleep patterns and contribute to sleep regressions.

Sleep associations, on the other hand, are habits or behaviors that a baby has learned to help them fall asleep, like rocking, nursing, or using a pacifier. If these associations are disrupted, it can lead to a sleep regression. Understanding your baby’s sleep patterns can help you identify and address these disruptions more effectively.

Other causes, such as schedule changes, illness, teething, and hitting milestones, can also disrupt a baby’s sleep patterns and contribute to sleep regressions.

Key Ages for Sleep Regressions

As mentioned earlier, sleep regressions typically occur at specific ages, including 4 months, 8 months, 12 months, sometimes 14 months, 18 months, and 2 years old. Knowing what to expect at each stage can help you better understand your baby’s sleep patterns and prepare for these challenging periods.

Let’s dive into each of these key ages for sleep regressions and explore what’s happening during these times.

4-Month Sleep Regression

The 4-month sleep regression is marked by a permanent change in sleep cycles. At this age, baby’s night-time sleep cycles become more organised and pronounced, which can lead to more wakeful periods during the night.

During this time, it’s essential for parents to be patient and supportive as their little ones learn to adapt to these new sleep cycles. Encouraging self-soothing strategies, maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, and trying to keep up a good amount of daytime sleep can help ease the transition and improve overall sleep quality during this challenging period.

8 Month Sleep Regression

The 8 month sleep regression can be quite a challenge for both babies and parents, as developmental milestones and separation anxiety contribute to sleep disruptions during this period. At this age, babies are often learning new skills, such as crawling, pulling themselves up, and even taking their first steps. These exciting milestones can make it difficult for your little one to settle down and sleep soundly, leading to night waking and disrupted sleep.

During this baby sleep regression, it’s essential for parents to be understanding and supportive as their baby navigates these new skills and experiences. Maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, offering comfort and reassurance, and providing a safe sleep environment can help improve your baby’s sleep during this challenging time.

12 Month Sleep Regression

The 12 month sleep regression can be a tricky time for parents, as children are often starting to walk, language is really developing and often there is a change in childcare settings as parental leave, certainly in the UK and Ireland, tends to come to an end.

14 Month Sleep Regression

The 14 month sleep regression isn’t always one that comes around but if it does, it will generally be due to nap transition as this is a very common age for babies to begin the transition from two naps to one, which can disrupt their sleep patterns and lead to night waking and difficulty settling down for naps.

To help your baby navigate the 14 month sleep regression, it’s important to take it one step at a time and not rush the transition from two naps to one. Be patient and treat this period as a phase, allowing your baby to become comfortable with the new nap schedule before making any significant changes to their routine. Eventually, the sleep disturbances should subside as your baby adjusts to their new nap schedule and settles into a more consistent sleep pattern.

18 Month Sleep Regression / 19 Month Sleep Regression

The 18-month sleep regression – often the 19 month sleep regression is toddlers have it a little later – is often considered one of the most challenging sleep regressions, as it is characterized by newfound independence, separation anxiety, and teething. Toddlers at this age may begin to assert their autonomy by refusing naps, resisting bedtime, and waking up frequently throughout the night. Additionally, the emergence of molars can cause discomfort and further disrupt sleep.

During this sleep regression, it’s crucial for parents to remain patient and supportive as their child navigates these new challenges. Consistent bedtime routines, teaching self-soothing strategies, and being flexible with schedules can all help manage the sleep disruptions during this difficult time.

2-Year Sleep Regression

The 2-year sleep regression can be a trying time for both toddlers and parents, as various factors such as longer awake times, life transitions, and nightmares can contribute to sleep disruptions at this age. As toddlers become more active and independent, their toddler sleep patterns may be affected by these new experiences and challenges. Additionally, life transitions such as potty training or moving to a toddler bed can further disrupt sleep and create this sleep regression 2 years old.

To help your child through this sleep regression, it’s important to maintain a consistent bedtime routine, offer comfort and reassurance, and be patient as they adjust to these new experiences. Remember that this is a temporary phase, and with time and support, your child’s sleep patterns should return to normal.

Tips for Managing Sleep Regressions

Implementing strategies such as maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, encouraging self-soothing techniques, and adjusting schedules can help manage sleep regressions. By providing a stable and supportive sleep environment, you can help your child navigate these tricky periods and ensure they get the rest they need.

Let’s explore these tips in more detail.

Maintain a consistent bedtime routine

Consistency in bedtime routines can help babies and toddlers navigate sleep regressions more smoothly. A consistent bedtime routine includes a set of activities done in the same order every night before going to bed. This can help train your baby’s brain to feel tired when it’s time to sleep and can include activities such as taking a bath, reading a book, brushing teeth, and getting into pajamas.

Establishing and maintaining a consistent bedtime routine can make it easier to spot sleep regressions, as you’ll be able to notice changes in your baby’s sleep patterns. By sticking to a routine, you can also help your baby feel more secure and supported during these challenging periods, ultimately improving their overall sleep quality. For older toddlers, maintain responsive boundaries is important otherwise they can start to learn that they will control bedtime, whether they nap, where they sleep at night etc.

Encourage self-soothing techniques

Teaching babies to self-soothe can improve their sleep quality during sleep regressions. Self-soothing techniques are ways a baby learns to relax and manage stress or anxiety without relying on external sources of comfort. Examples include sucking on a pacifier, holding a favorite blanket or stuffed animal, or rubbing their fingers against their face or hands.

By encouraging self-soothing techniques, you can help your baby develop the skills needed to settle themselves back to sleep during nighttime wakings. This can lead to fewer sleep disruptions and a more restful sleep experience for both you and your baby during sleep regressions.

Adjust schedules as needed

Adapting to your child’s changing sleep needs can help minimize the impact of sleep regressions. As your baby grows and develops, their sleep patterns may change, requiring adjustments to their nap and bedtime schedules. By being flexible and responsive to your child’s needs, you can help ensure they get enough rest and avoid becoming overtired, which can exacerbate sleep regression issues.

Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It’s essential to observe your child’s sleep patterns and make adjustments as needed to support their overall sleep health and development during these challenging times.

Recognising Signs of Sleep Regression

Being able to recognize the signs of sleep regression can help you identify when your child is experiencing a sleep disruption and provide the support they need to navigate these challenging periods. Night waking, short naps, fussiness, irritability, and separation anxiety are some common signs of sleep regression. These signs can indicate a regression in your child’s sleep pattern.

Let’s examine these signs in more detail.

Night waking and short naps

Frequent night waking and shorter naps can indicate a sleep regression. Night waking can be caused by various factors such as hunger, discomfort, illness, or sleep disturbances, while shorter naps may signal a disruption in your child’s regular sleep patterns.

By being aware of these signs, you can offer comfort and reassurance to your child during sleep disruptions and make adjustments to their sleep environment or routine as needed. This can help minimize the impact of sleep regressions and support your child’s overall sleep health.

Fussiness and irritability

Increased fussiness and irritability may be signs of a sleep regression. When a child experiences disrupted sleep, they may become more irritable, fussy, and difficult to soothe. This can be challenging for both parents and children, as it can impact overall mood, behavior, and sleep quality.

By recognizing these signs and offering support, comfort, and reassurance, you can help your child navigate sleep regressions more smoothly and minimize the impact on their overall well-being.

Separation anxiety and clinginess

Heightened separation anxiety and clinginess can signal a sleep regression. As your child develops and grows, they may experience periods of increased anxiety related to separation from their caregiver. This can lead to sleep disruptions, as your child may have difficulty settling down for naps or bedtime without your presence.

During these periods, it’s essential to offer comfort, reassurance, and support to your child. By helping them feel secure and supported, you can ease their anxiety and improve their sleep quality during sleep regressions.

When to Seek Help for Sleep Regression Issues

If sleep regression issues persist, it’s essential to consider seeking help. Sleep training, joining parenting communities, or seeking professional guidance can provide support and advice for managing sleep regressions and re-establishing healthy sleep habits.

Let’s explore these options in more detail.

Sleep training considerations

Sleep training can help re-establish healthy sleep habits during and after sleep regressions. When considering sleep training, it’s important to take into account the age of your baby, the method being used, and the potential emotional and behavioral effects on your child. Sleep training methods vary, and it’s essential to choose one that aligns with your family’s values, lifestyle, and your child’s needs.

By implementing sleep training, you can help your child develop the skills needed to settle themselves back to sleep during nighttime wakings and improve overall sleep quality during and after sleep regressions.

Joining parenting communities

Connecting with other parents can provide support and advice for managing sleep regressions. Parenting communities, both online and in-person, offer a place for parents to share their experiences, ask questions, and find comfort in knowing they are not alone in their struggles with sleep regression issues.

By joining parenting communities, you can gain valuable insights, advice, and encouragement from others who have experienced similar challenges, helping you navigate sleep regressions with greater confidence and support.


Sleep regressions can be challenging for both parents and babies, but understanding their causes, recognising the signs, and implementing strategies to manage them can help you and your child navigate these tricky periods more smoothly. By maintaining a consistent bedtime routine, encouraging self-soothing techniques, and adjusting schedules as needed, you can support your child’s sleep needs and ensure they get the rest they need to grow and thrive. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey – connect with other parents, seek professional guidance, and trust your instincts to help your child through these sleep disruptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age are sleep regressions?

Sleep regressions are most commonly experienced around 4 months, 6 months, 8 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 2 years of age and can last from 1 to 6 weeks, but more commonly 1-2 weeks in our experience.

These regressions can be difficult for parents to manage, as they often involve a sudden change in sleep patterns and can cause disruption to the entire family. It is important to remember that these regressions are a normal part of development and will eventually pass.

What are the worst sleep regression ages?

The worst sleep regression is usually around four months, but every child is unique and sometimes it’s the later ones which can prove more tricky when your little one is more mobile or is speaking!

What causes sleep regression?

Sleep regression is often caused by developmental milestones such as learning to sit up, crawl or walk. It can also be related to separation anxiety, teething and fear of the dark in older children.

Big life changes and a desire for independence can also contribute to disrupted sleep patterns.

What is sleep regression?

Sleep regression is a period when a baby or toddler suddenly experiences changes in their sleeping patterns, such as difficulty falling asleep, fighting bedtime and shorter naps.

It’s important to recognise these signs and help them adjust accordingly.

Be patient and check out our free sleep resources for more helpful advice!

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© The Mummy & Daddy Sleep Consultant® 2024

Images by Estelle Thompson Photography

Company Name: The Daddy Sleep Consultant Ltd

Company Number: 13226982

2 Lakeview Stables/St. Clere, Sevenoaks TN15 6NL



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